Beyonce said release your job, so you did….Now what do you do if you get sick?

Now we can’t blame Beyonce for the great resignation, but “Break My Soul” sits top of our minds as the movement’s anthem. The traditional 9-5 has been a quintessential puzzle piece in achieving the American dream for generations. In contrast, the past two years’ events made 9-5 the furthest thing from a dream for many Americans.
The lockdown of 2020 was an eye opener for employees. From the flexibility of work from home to the considerations one can take for their mental health, there were many factors leading employees to make the jump.
Forging your own path is an admirable pursuit, but don’t forget to take care of your health along the way. Leaving a full-time job means leaving the insurance that came with that job. Now you may be rolling the dice and going uninsured, but if the past two years have taught us anything, it should be how life can change in a blink of an eye.
Here you are at the start of a new chapter of your career. The last thing any freelancer wants is to pay out of pocket for medical bills. You don’t need a traditional full-time job to have health care; you need HealthEE by HBG. Our online marketplace has a variety of insurance packages at low costs that you can purchase on a monthly or quarterly basis. No open enrollment, no employer sponsor, no 9-5 required. We want you to have the freedom and flexibility you left your job for.